Statistically, 96% to 98% of couples will reach agreement on a division of property and debts with the help of a mediator, a financial professional or lawyers. The courts say division of community property and debt must be "just and right". Keep in mind that "just and right" does not necessarily mean "equal". As long as your name is on debt, house, cars, credit cards etc. you are legally responsible, in most casts even if the judge orders the other spouse to pay, if they don’t they will come after you.
Parents with a healthy Parental Relationship have the ability to help develop healthier children than those that litigate and continue to argue and use the children to hurt one another. (This is most selfish) You may no longer be husband and wife, but you will always be Mommy and Daddy.
Children want and need both parent actively involved in their lives. If you want to share in children’s sporting events, birthdays, graduations, weddings, and birth of grandchildren, then mediation is the best way to go. Parents who negotiate, compromise, and put their children’s interests before theirs have well-adjusted children with healthy relationships of their own.
Years from now you will know it was worth it to stop the fighting, demanding "your rights"’, withholding child-support, not meeting each other half-way in the decision making process.
Mediation Matters Because:
- You control the outcome
- You and your spouse are more likely to actually keep your agreements
- You begin the healing process
- You can feel proud about how your handled your divorce
- You save time, money and emotional strain
- It works
Child Support
Parents generally calculate more accurate child support in mediation based on the child’s needs, time spent with each parent, and parent’s ability to pay. State required child support can be determined through online calculations.
Benefits of Child Support Mediation:
- Calculate child support that works for the Child and the Parents
- Decide which parent will provide child’s Health Insurance
- Decide the percentage each will pay for uncovered/uninsured expenses
- Discover parent’s income, ability, and willingness to share in child’s support
- Agree upon what child support covers and doesn’t cover avoiding future conflict
- Some parents agree to neither one paying the other child support
- We must focus on what is best for the children (academic, emotional, social, financial, and physical needs)
- structure meaningful involvement for each parent in the children’s lives
- Keep important decisions regarding your children in your hands not in a judge’s who may never meet your children
- We must work together to develop a healthy parental relationship for your children's benefit
Things We Do:
- Cares for immediate needs to avoid court fights
- Simplifies the postnuptial
- Teaches a new way to communicate
- Strive for equitable resolve
- Help Couples transition to a healthy parental relationship
- Write a legally binding settlement agreement
- Help you both plan for the future
Community Property Settlement:
- Is there a prenuptial agreement, postnuptial agreement, or inheritance assets that are considered separate
- Identify all assets, equities, and liabilities that are part of the community property of the marriage
- Taking into account all liquid assets in checking, saving, safety deposit boxes, etc. and dividing them equally.
- Collect all information regarding 401K, CD’s, IRA’s, Stocks/Bonds, Retirement Packages, etc. and seeing how they will factor in the exchanging and receiving of the desired community property of each
- Consider vehicles and sporting equipment and who might retain what
- Consider who might want the house, etc. and how the liabilities and assets might balance out considering the equities
- Who will or can afford to stay in the house until it is sold or one might receive the house as part of the settlement by exchange of other assets
- Of course the agreements to all of the above should always take into consideration what is in the best interest of the children